Maybe some of you had heard some strange things in the Microsoft Windows XP. I've tried it myself and it turns out right.
1. You can not create folders with names CON anywhere.
Explanation : The word "CON" is a reserved word in MS-DOS, which is why we can not create folders with names CON (mean Console).
We can not also create folders named : CON, PRN, AUX, CLOCK $, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5 , LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9.
2. Try the following steps:
Open Notepad
Write "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes)
Save anywhere
Close and open again.
You will see the text that was saved into strange characters.
Explanation : We can replace with another words.
After I read the article on the internet, this is probably because weak windows API functions are used to detect whether the text is UNICODE or not. If we make a sentence with a 4-3-3-5 structure is likely to appear strange characters.
For example, was "Bush hid the facts":
Bush = 4 letter word
hid = 3 letters
the = 3 letters
facts = 5 letters
3. Open Microsoft Word and type
= rand (100, 99)
And then press ENTER
The document will be full of strange text.
Explanation : it is not a bug, but it is an embeded function of Ms Word to facilitate inserting random words automatically.
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