For Delpi programmers must have heard the Jedi Visual Components Library (VCL). The JVCL is an extraordinary results from delphi community efforts.
Nowadays, JVCL contain hundreds of visual an non visual library which come very handy for Delphi programmers. This library can be implemented in Delphi, Kylix dan C++.
This library is made based on code made by JEDI Community and then reformatted and reapired to create a library whisch is well documented and well tested. These components are grouped in several groups like Visual, Non Visual, Enhanced Standard, Data Aware, and many more.
And the good news is, these components are released under Mozilla Public Lisence (MPL), one of the best license so that this library can be used in many types of project like opensource, freeware, shareware, open source, commercial.
Several contained source code have header about the license, but several others doesn't have one, all files including ones that doesn't contain license in header are realeased in MPL License.
The JVCL can be downloaded from :
Project Jedi Portal
Happy Programming Fellow Delphi Programmer :)
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